When I try this example, I find that this line

>  my $file = $r->path_info;

will set $file to "/index.html" when I request the URL /tt/index.html

which leads to an error message that says,

reason: file error - /index.html: absolute paths are not allowed (set ABSOLUTE option)

You may want to clip off the leading slash or set the Template Toolkit
option ABSOLUTE, depending on which suits your needs.
Quoting Tim Noll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm attempting to use mod_perl and Template Toolkit to serve up
> templates. However, I'm having a problem with the images in those
> templates: They're passing through the content handler, and thus getting
> corrupted.
> My first thought was to return DECLINED from the content handler if the
> request is not for text/html content; however, since I'm using a
> Location directive, the content_type is always empty since there's no
> direct mapping to an actual image file. I could use an Alias to map the
> URI to the file, but then I wouldn't have the path_info that I'm using
> to call the template.
> Since my test code, using path_info, is based on an example from the
> Template Toolkit docs, I feel like I'm probably overlooking something
> basic. So, I'd appreciate it if someone could show me the error of my
> ways. :-)
> Here are the relevant chunks of config and code:
> from httpd.conf
> ---------------
> ...
> <Location /tt>
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandler Apache::Test::Mod
>  PerlSetVar WEBROOT /usr/local/apache/tt/html
> </Location>
> ...
> Apache::Test::Mod
> -----------------
> ...
> sub handler {
>  my $r = shift;
>  # this doesn't work
>  #return DECLINED unless $r->content_type eq 'text/html';
>  my $WEBROOT = $r->dir_config('WEBROOT')
>   or return fail( $r, SERVER_ERROR, "'WEBROOT' not specified" );
>  my $file = $r->path_info;
>  my $vars = {
>   content  => $r->content_type,
>  };
>  $r->content_type('text/html');
>  $r->no_cache(1);
>  my $template = Template->new( {
>   OUTPUT   => $r,
>  } );
>  $template->process( $file, $vars, $r)
>   or return fail( $r, SERVER_ERROR, $template->error );
>  $r->send_http_header();
>  $r->print( $output );
>  return OK;
> }
> ...
> index.html (test template)
> --------------------------
> <html>
>  <head>
>   <title>test</title>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>   <p>content_type: [% content %]</p>
>   <p>image: <img src="images/hello.gif"></p>
>  </body>
> </html>
> Thanks.
> -Tim

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