On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Jeff  wrote:

> Date: Tue,  5 Feb 2002 19:21:39 -0500
> From: Jeff  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: perl cgi's and apache
> I am having a problem getting my cgi script to complete processing
> when it is launched via apache server.  The script itself runs fine
> from the command line.  It is a script that processes a long array
> of values and interacts with a database per value.  When the array
> is relatively short, the program will complete and everything is
> fine (even when launched through the browser).  When the array is
> larger, and only when launched through the browser, the perl.exe on
> the Windows 2000 machine just seems to hang after about 30 seconds
> or so and if I stop apache server, it will start processing again
> and finish its job.  I think I have all the apache timeout
> parameters set long enough.  Can anyone help me out on this?
> Thanks


The browser may be what's timing out the process.  There are many
things you can do to work around such problem.  Did you look in the
guide (http://perl.apache.org/guide)?  I searched for "timeout," and
the first suggestion is this:


However, you never mentioned that you're using mod_perl -- just Perl
-- so the guide may not help all that much.  (This is a *mod_perl* list
you wrote to, you know. :)  Regardless, one thing you can always do is
to throw more hardware at the problem (bigger, faster machine; more
memory; split up the load to a dedicated database server/light-weight
frontend mod_perl-less Apache/big, fat mod_perl server backend).  Or
try to streamline your code -- maybe make one big SQL query for all
your values rather than individual calls for each one.  If none of
that works for you, you may need to pass off the long-running process
to a queue for a cronjob to pick up (well, maybe not cron if you're on
Windows) or you spin it off to an external script to do the work.
Search the guide.



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