I've recently come across some interesting behavior with Opera on linux.

When I set a cookie using CGI::Cookie and Set-Cookie: headers, and 
then perform a JavaScript redirect to another page, the cookie IS NOT 
SET.  That doesn't mean that the Cookie: header wasn't returned from 
the browser, I mean the cookie doesn't even seem to be present. 
Opera even says that it's going to set it (after turning on "ask 
about cookies" pref).

Taking away the JavaScript redirect fixed the missing cookie problem, 
but still doesn't tell me why anything JavaScript related would have 
an effect on an HTTP header.

The javascript looks like

<script>document.location = '$url';</script>

Has anyone had any troubles with Opera/Cookies/mod_perl?  Every other 
browser seems to work just fine (Konqueror, Netscape, IE, Galleon).


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

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