> Keep in mind I tried several version of CGI.pm. Where the problem is
> (and yes, I did hack CGI.pm and fixed it but felt it was unnessary to
> hack CGI.pm since it wasn't at fault and didn't want to break other
> working apps), errrr, the problem is in the read_from_client() call
> where CGI.pm issues a read() from the STDIN file handle. The problem
> when it's called for the second time the handle reference is missing.

I don't think this is the same problem.  Mike is actually modifying the
request (by making a subrequest) before CGI.pm clears its globals (in a
cleanup handler) and wanting CGI.pm to notice.  It isn't that he's
getting nothing from CGI.pm; it's that he's getting the same thing both
times.  At least that's how I interpreted it.

- Perrin

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