On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 06:31:25PM -0800, Randy J. Ray wrote:
> * If I install a handler for PerlLogHandler, does the normal logging still
>   take place? Is it a function of whether my handler returns OK, DECLINED,
>   etc.?

As far as I know return codes are ignored.  This means that all
logging (and cleanup) handlers are called for each request.

> * Are there ways to register other log types, in addition to the access,
>   error, etc.? Such that people could specify those (and a format) the
>   same way they specify the others? More to the point, so that there
>   might be a ready file-descriptor I could print to, rather than having to
>   deal with the open/lock/write/unlock/close cycle.

Apache::LogFile (section 16.2) is what you are looking for.  It gives
you a global filehandle that you can print to as much as you care to.

> To explain, I am looking at ways to expand the logging capability in my
> Apache::RPC::Server class. I'd like at the very least to be able to alter the
> URI part such that it reflects the procedure name that was called (this I
> understand how to do). Ideally, I'd like to either write completely different
> lines out to the access log, or (preferable) write to a separate log entirely,
> so that tracking usage statistics is made that much easier. If I go the
> separate log route, I don't want the server to be weighted down by the
> repetitive open/close cycle on the files.

You might also want to consider setting a notes value for each piece
of information you want to log.  This is detailed in section 16.4 of
the cookbook.  It's dead simple, just add this to your httpd.conf:

LogFormat "%{RPC_NAME}n %{RPC_ARGS}n %{RPC_RESULTS}n" rpc_log_format

<Location /RPCSERV>
 CustomLog logs/rpc_log rpc_log_format

and then somewhere in your code do this:

 $r->notes('RPC_NAME', $cow);
 $r->notes('RPC_ARGS', $moo);
 $r->notes('RPC_RESULTS', $milk);

Paul Lindner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

    mod_perl Developer's Cookbook   http://www.modperlcookbook.org/
         Human Rights Declaration   http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/index.htm

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