Hi again!
No one got a clue to my problem? A hunch or just a feeling would do just
fine :-)


Anders Knuts skrev:

> Hi!
> I have a board script to which users can post (of course)
> One IP-address has sometimes problems posting to that script, though.
> Look at the log's below.
> xxx.xxx.25.50 - - [10/Feb/2002:21:15:33 +0100] "POST
> /cgi-bin/mboard/message.pl HTTP/1.1"
> 200 88 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)"
> xxx.xxx.25.50 - - [10/Feb/2002:21:15:36 +0100] "POST
> /cgi-bin/mboard/message.pl HTTP/1.1"
> 200 1683 "http://www.servern.nu/main.html"; "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
> MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)"
> The first POST is erronuos as there is no content ("-") and the script
> won't accept it as vaild.
> The scond POST is okay as it has content
> ("http://www.servern.nu/main.html";).
> This happens ONLY to that IP-address. Since I havn't been able to find
> anything to do about the problem, and since it seems to come and go, and
> since it is only that IP-address, i draw the conclusion that the problem
> really isn't mine, but what causes it??? How can the POST loose it's
> content like that?
> I know who the user is so I know it's an actual post that he tried to
> make. The IP-address is an alias to a whole net with NAT (Linux). Could
> it be some kind of proxy-web-cache or something that causes the problem?
> Please excuse my poor english...
> Best Regards
> Anders, admin servern.nu

Anders Knuts

-Varför använda en massa främmande ord när det finns en adekvat svensk

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