:: Your question isn't a modperl question.  Please keep that in 
:: mind when posting to this list.  Maybe you're trying to use 
:: Perl::Magick as part of a project that uses modperl, but 
:: that doesn't make this a modperl issue.

I appreciate that.  This is part of a mod_perl project, however I forgot
to include "[OT]" in the subject line.  The only reason I post here is
that the quality of help, and accuracy of reply that I have experienced
in the past is exactly what I need to get over my initial Linux
confusion.  However, if anyone knows of a _good_ Linux list...

:: Immediately above is the problem.  The file "magick/api.h" 
:: isn't installed. You may have Imagemagick installed, but you 
:: don't have the development files associated with it installed.


:: Most package-based Linux distributions, like RedHat (or 
:: RedHat/RPM based
:: systems) or Debian (or Debian/DEB based systems) "split up" 
:: a whole package into parts.  You probably don't have the 
:: "FOO-dev" or "libFOO" package that goes along with FOO.

And it's RedHat I'm using.

:: Maybe you use a RPM-based system... check out 
:: http://rpmfind.net/ in order to track down which :: package 
:: contains the file you need.

http://rpmfind.net/ has already become my best friend!  :-)

Thank you.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

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