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        Thanks for the help, as it turned out it was the lack of me
including a content length that was causing it to hang. This thread can
now be disregarded, thanks for everyones time.


- -----
        To play a game is to attempt to achieve a specific state of
affairs, using only means permitted by rules, where rules prohibit use of
more efficient in favour of less efficient means, and where the rules are
accepted just because they make possible such activity.

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Ged Haywood wrote:

Hi Jim,

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Jim Hull wrote:

> I wrote some code to dynamically create an image
> viola.    [:)]
> Within a few minutes my wife complains her browser has crashed.
> I did not notice the problem as I exclusively use Mozilla,

That's unusual, normally it's easier to crash Mozilla than IE, but
there are _lots_ of ways to break both.  Some of the easiest involve
sending broken HTML and/or headers, which is where I'd look first.
Check particularly things like Content-length for IE and tag nesting
for Netscape.

> if it works in normal perl, it should work in mod_perl (IMHO).


Well it looks like it's not doing the same thing when you enable
mod_perl that it is doing when you use plain Apache.  You need to find
out what is different.  See the debugging section of the Guide, which
you can find at http://perl.apache.org/guide.

If you need to post again, first have a look at the docs mentioned in
mod_perl/SUPPORT so you can give a better description of your setup.

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