Hi there,

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Viljo Marrandi wrote:

> I've made one site using Embperl (but I think it's not Embperl problem)
> for image selling agency. Some time ago their HDD crashed and I had to
> restore whole site from older code,

Oops.  I guess they're doing backups now?

> Before it worked just fine, but now it's not. If I look the page
> with IE it's OK, but if I use Netscape it shows at the bottom of
> page weird error. Dunno where it comes. And interesting is, that IE
> doesn't show this error even in HTML source.

Probably nesting of tags.  Check especially in DIV blocks and TABLEs.

> And at least as weird problem is with Mac's (though I don't have a mac
> to test it, but clients complain). The whole page is screwed up, tables
> are broken, cookies won't get stored (send?) etc etc. 
> Anyone seen this before?



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