
I have a computer connected 1) to the Internet served by Apache and mod_perl
and 2) to a local network. I need to be able to see from the 'OUTSIDE' a
file on a computer inside the LAN (not on the server). I try to copy this
file to the server in a 'visible' location.

I can successfully use unc filename in plain perl (copying files between
computers). (NT 4 or 2000)
The same code doesn't work in mod_perl. Do I need to configure something in
Apache or mod_perl to be able to see remote files as
\\computername\g$\filename.xxx ?

I could have an Apache server on the remote machine (local network), but as
I have to see this file from outside the network, only one ip address is
visible (the computer connected to Internet).

Thank you

Radu Caulea,
Senior Oracle Consultant

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