Hi all,
I started to use Apache::DB (0.06) to interactively debug under mod_perl using ptkdb. 
I see that is necessary to modify Apache/DB.pm but, after this, the debugger will be 
run always under ptkdb. The little patch I propose to Apache/DB.pm is to improve 
Apache to dinamically switch from command line to GUI (ptkdb) interface by configuring 
this in httpd.conf.
To enable ptkdb I add the directive:
        PerlSetVar PerlTkDB On
in preferred place of my httpd.conf. For example:

<Location /someplace>
   <IfDefine PERLDB>
      PerlSetVar PerlTkDB On
      PerlFixupHandler Apache::DB
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::MyModule

then start Apache with:
        % httpd -D PERLDB

If Devel::ptkdb isn't installed, then default debug libraries (perl5db.pl) are loaded.

---CUT HERE---
--- DB.pm       Thu Feb 28 16:45:29 2002
+++ DB.pm-patched       Thu Feb 28 16:31:12 2002
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
-    require 'Apache/perl5db.pl';
+    unless ( $r->dir_config('PerlTkDB') && eval("require 'Devel/ptkdb.pm'") ) {
+        require 'Apache/perl5db.pl';
+    }
     $DB::single = 1;
     if (ref $r) {
---CUT HERE---
(run the patch in the same directory of Apache/DB.pm)

Any comment will be appreciated.


Enrico Sorcinelli - Gruppo E-Comm - Italia On Line S.p.a.

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