i ran into a number of similar problems that did not seem to be documented
anywhere else.  in my case, we had a number of scripts that would change
STDOUT in some fashion (usually so they could set $|) but then die due to
some error before resetting STDOUT back.  then any mod-perl script that the
child would serve would produce a blank page while static files would
to be served cleanly.  when that child died, the problem would go away.  if
user refreshed and got another child, then it would appear as if the problem
went away.

i added the PID to the access logs and watched for any HTTP 200's with zero
body sizes and traced backwards to see who the common culprit was.  the only
caveat was that apache would sometimes log HTTP 200 when in fact the return
was HTTP 302 (redirect).  it is natural to have a zero length body size for

good luck,
John E. Leon Guerrero

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axel Andersson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:40 AM
> Subject: Blank pages
> Hi,
> I run a mod_perl/mysql site, which works fine most of the time. Some
> pages, however, come out completely blank. Reload.. and hey presto, it
> works. Now, I realize this could be practically anything, so I'm just
> asking if anyone has come across something similar.
> I use Apache::DBI 0.88 for database connections, Apache 1.3.23 and
> mod_perl/1.2. Strange thing is, nothing shows up in the error log, even
> using -w.
> Well, it's a longshot, but thanks anyway.
> Axel Andersson
> --
> http://www.animanga.nu/morris/
> 31. With intagible breath in center of forehead, as this reaches heart at
> the moment of sleep, have direction over dreams and over death itself.

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