
> > Hang on.  I just found it (by way of Slashdot)...  it was about eToys,
> > October 17, 2001, its web 5 pages long, and mentions Randal Schwartz
> > and Damian Conway.  I knew I wasn't dreamming!
> Um, that was my article, and it certainly doesn't say anything like "but
> in the end the customer threw it out and went for a competing
> technology."  You must have been thinking of something else for that part.

I recall reading, I believe on this list, that KBToys didn't use the eToys code.
That must be what Fulko is recalling, though it isn't "throwing it out for a
competing technology." More like a new tech staff sticking with what was familiar.

What I really want to know is: what ever happened to that eToys jingle that was on
the commercials? It was almost as good as the site. My children were all under 7
when the site folded, so those commercials and that jingle REALLY pulled the heart

Take care,

Kurt Hansen

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