Revered Chefs,

Please forgive a mere mod_perl kitchen-hand, undergoing early cookie 
training... I have the following cookie code, but no cookies come 
back when I refresh, and I don't see any $HTTP_COOKIE in %ENV. 
$cookies ends up as a hash ref pointing to an empty hash.

I have the following in my httpd.conf:
  PerlWarn On
  PerlTaintCheck On
  PerlFreshRestart On
  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll On
  <Files *.pl>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    PerlSendHeader Off
    Options +ExecCGI

Help?? TIA


# As you will note, this highly original recipe was lifted unchanged 
# from Delia Smith's 'How to Boil Eggs for Breakfast'.
# This is the cookie dough that don't want to bake
use strict;
require "";
use Apache;
use Apache::Cookie;

# read in the cookie if this is an old session
my $r = Apache->request();
my $cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;

my $sent = '';
if (!$cookies->{foo} ) {
  $sent = 'sending cookie';
  my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new(
                      -name    =>  'foo',
                      -value   =>  'bar',
                      -expires =>  '+1D',
                      -domain  =>  undef,
                      -path    =>  '/',
                      -secure  =>  undef,
} else {
  $sent = 'received cookie';

print "$0 $sent", "<HR>";
print "<HR>", $r->as_string, "<HR>";
map { print "&nbsp;&nbsp;$_ => '$ENV{$_}' <BR>\n"; } sort keys %ENV;

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