On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Ged Haywood wrote:

->> ->Hmmm.  That's interesting... do I smell RPMs?
->> i didnt use any rpms when i built apache, modssl, php, and modperl.
->> i'm not sure what you mean or how your comment is intended to help.
->I apologize if my message was not clear.  Did you build your own Perl?


for the record, i solved the problem(s) thusly:
-fell back to using the earlier version of modperl (1.25_01)
-everything was fine except then i found that php4.1.2 was then causing
segfaults upon 404s. recompiled with php as a static module
-THEN i found that modrewrite was segfaulting upon any rewrite. recompiled
AGAIN with modrewrite static.
-finally, apache the way i need it (modperl/modssl/php)



Steev Hise, Information Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.datamassage.com
"Getting programmers to write documentation is almost as hard
 as getting them to wear ties"
                -Larry Wall, et.al, 'Programming Perl'

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