> On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:06:00AM -0500, Mark Matthews wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am moving a website that now resides on a i686 server running RedHat
> > 6.2 with perl v5.005_03 to another i686 server running Suse 7.1 with
> > perl v5.6.1.
> > The website uses a number of cgi scripts that read and write from
> > BerkeleyDB files using the tie function.
> >
> > The site is currently running fine on the RedHat server, but when
> > testing the scripts on the Suse box I am finding the the scripts are
> > failing complaining that the db file cannot be opened.
> > The function calling the script is as follows...
> > $db = "blurb";
> > tie(%BLURB, "DB_File", $db, O_RDONLY, 0664) || die("Error: could not
> > open $db: $!\n");
> >
> > Things I have tried so far..
> > - I have checked that the BerkeleyDB file (blurb) in the right path,
> > is readable/writable.
> > - I have checked  that the DB file is not corrupt by ftping it back to
> > the RedHat box and testing it.. Works fine..
> > - the command "file blurb" shows that the db file is Berkeley DB
> > version 5, native byte-order) and my guess is the version of DB_File
> > cannot read that DB version.   I have installed earlier versions of
> > DB_File on the Suse box with no luck.
> > - I have successfully created a new db file using tie. The file
> > is version 7.
> >
> > Since these scripts do infact work on the RedHat server, what do I
> > to do to get them to work on the Suse server
> DB_File is usually implemented on top of whatever the latest
> Berkeley DB is available.  The file formats are usually not
> compatible from major version to another major version.  I believe
> RH 6.2 uses bdb v2 and Suse uses a newer version 3 or 3.1.  Use the
> rpm -q -a command to find out which versions are which.
> Anyway, you need to try out the db_upgrade command, it should
> upgrade the db file to the latest format.  It might not be installed
> by default, so check your local docs.  (I think it's in db3-utils,
> or some such..)
> You might also try out the BerkeleyDB module for access to more
> interesting features provided by the later versions of this library.
> In particular the transactions subsystem is very, very cool.
> Good Luck
> --

It's more complicated than that :-(

Newer versions of Linux (e.g. RedHat 6, SuSe 6) ship with a C library
that has version 2.x of Berkeley DB linked into it. My particular
version has 2.x with header files for 3.x. To make matters worse,
prior to Perl 5.6.1, the perl binary itself included the Berkeley DB
library. This has caused me some headaches which I've solved by
building and installing BDB v 4.x and including the following at the
beginning of the apachecel / httpsdctl file.

# fix up problem with C-lib database
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/lib/libdb.so

The LD_PRELOAD environment variable to point to the new shared
library, Perl will use it instead of the version of Berkeley DB that
shipped with your Linux distribution.

Maybe this will work for you as well. If you use DBD, make sure and
re-install the DBD / DBI modules with the new pointers to the
database lib.

Michael Robinton
4600 El Camino Real - Ste 206
Los Altos, CA 94022

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