George Sanderson wrote:

> What is the best way to check from within the httpd.conf file if a mod_perl
> module is loaded.  For C modules, I can use:
> <IfModule mod_perl.c> ... </IfModule>
> to conditionally load it's directives.
> Is there a similar conditional syntax for the mod_perl script modules?
> I only want a module's directives to be processed when that module is loaded.

you can use the module() method from the Apache class to test for either a C 
module or a Perl one.

   $foo if Apache->module('mod_perl.c');
   $foo if Apache->module('My::Module');

see recipe 4.2 in the cookbook for a few examples, including how to use it from 
a <Perl> section in your httpd.conf


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