Are you using the mason-handler supplied with Mason? Or did you extend it already?

I have had similar problems, and it turned out my customized mason-handler had some 
inconsistencies concerning sessions handling. After I cleaned that up everything was 
fine again.

You could try to make a very minimized mason-handler and see what that brings. I know 
you wanna extend it to have your site running - but it could help just to try and pin 
point the fault.

Also it could be worth looking into installing only HTML::Mason and not the Bundle. 
Maybe a few other modules... but do it by hand - one by one.

I recently updated perl and all modules including Mason and Bundle::HTML::Mason also 
tried to install perl 5.6.1 again. Frankly I cannot remember exactly what I did to 
avoid that - but I might have installed the modules by hand again.

I hope this will give you a few hints on what to try.

BTW, in my httpd.conf I use "PerlRequire /path/to/my/" and not the 
suggested syntax from the latest Mason. Mainly because it's my old mason-handler 
shined up. That will most likely not give any difference to you, but Mason can be 
tricky at times.

I was looking for a way to enable debugging on Mason, but I couldn't find it. I'm sure 
it exists - so I'll be digging the man pages next time I have problems. Right now my 
system is working fine; so

 - if it's not broken, don't try to fix it ;)

Best regards

Nicolai Schlenzig
This mail does not reflect my company's
oppinion on the subject in question but
is my personal response and cannot be
held against my company in any way.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francesc Guasch Ortiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:12 AM
> Subject: apache dies silently at start with perl-5.6.1 rpm
> I'm testing the latest perl rpms from redhat updates:
>       perl-5.6.1-26.72.3
>       mod_perl-1.26-2
> I'm using HTML::Mason.
> When I start apache it just dies silently without complaining
> and I got nothing in the logs.
> I even tried to remove the former perl and modules. I rpmed -e
> a lot of things. Then I removed the perl5 dirs and I installed
> perl and modules. That didn't worked.
> When I asked in the Mason list I was told it was a modperl issue.
> How can I debug what's happening ?
> I've also noticed the cpan binaries aren't seeing well the
> modules installed. When I do
> cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
> it starts downloading the perl-5.6.1 sources.
> I made sure there are no other perl file binaries nor cpan
> from other installations.
> What can I do ?
> -- 
> frankie

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