I am using a startup.pl.  Or I have been.  I put it back into action and
still nothing.  CGI.pm, Apache::Request, et cetera are loaded at this time.

POST2GET from the below referenced URL is also loaded with the startup.pl

errorlog is clean.  the script is being sent, basically, an empty form.
content_type is not empty (per se), but there none of the data passed via
the form, though.

Does anyone have a bare-bones httpd.conf for mod_perl on WIN32?  Maybe it is
my httpd.conf, but why would it work for cgi and not mod_perl?


   :  -----Original Message-----
   :  From: Ernest Lergon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 1:30 PM
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  "Vuillemot, Ward W" wrote:
   :  > 
   :  > Here is the Apache config
   :  > PerlModule testUpload
   :  > <Location /testUpload>
   :  >   SetHandler perl-script
   :  >   PerlHandler testUpload
   :  >   PerlSendHeader Off
   :  >   # limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
   :  >   <Limit POST>
   :  >     PerlInitHandler POST2GET
   :  >   </Limit>
   :  > </Location>
   :  > 
   :  Hi Ward,
   :  assumed, you have seen the example from
   :  http://perl.apache.org/guide/snippets.html#Reusing_Data_fr
   :  om_POST_request
   :  and you have written your own POST2GET.pm, more questions 
   :  are arising:
   :  Is POST2GET.pm loaded anywhere - in a startup.pl or via 
   :  httpd.conf?
   :  Some more hints:
   :  Add 'use warnings;' to your code and look at your error_log.
   :  CGI.pm should be loaded AND compiled very early.
   :  Be careful with global vars under mod_perl.
   :  Look in CPAN to avoid reinventing the wheel:
   :  http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=upload
   :  Ernest
   :  -- 
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