
I would like to add some dynamic generated graphics to my site and find GD being the 
one to use. However I'm not sure _how_ to use it on my pages.

I use HTML::Mason for content management and I am very happy and truly amazed of the 
powers in Mason, but when I tried adding some GD it got me puzzled.

When I create a new GD::Image drawing whatever on it and trying to print it - it will 
be prepended to my html header for the page. I then tried to put it in $m->out to have 
in printed within Mason, but that simply printed the raw PNG in all its glory as text 
on screen.

I tried fiddeling with content_type, but I guess that wont work if I set this after I 
have already printed something on the page - hence the content_type will not even be 
effective for that page.

What I still miss doing/trying is making a seperate file/component which only job will 
be to make the PNG, but I don't really see what I would gain from that, because that 
will pretty much also just print a PNG "within" my HTML page.


Some standard html text...
$m->content_type( "image/png" );
#my Mason/perl code for creating an image with GD.
my $image = GD::Image();
#put something on image... been using both clean GD synopsis and some home cooked 
small widgets.
print $image->png;
$m->out( $image->png );
$r->print( $image->png );
$m->content_type( "text/html" );
Some more html text.

Very simplified, but I don't have my code in front of me - sorry. I would assume that 
content_type in only good for setting in the header, but I don't see how I can mix in 
this PNG then.

If GD could virtualle create a file I guess <img src="<% $image->png %>"> would 
work... but that seems like a long shot when reading the man for GD :)

Any help/hints will be greatly appriciate. Maybe I just need to look harder for more 
ressources, but I've already spent a lot of time on something that looks quite simple 
- but haven't shown results yet.

Best regards

Nicolai Schlenzig

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