
Thanks for tracking that down.

So, the problem is our tools.  For me, that's GTopLimit (but also SizeLimit).

I would think it must be possible to cajole these two into realizing their 
error.  "top" seems to know how much a process has swapped.  If GTopLimit 
could know that, the number could be subtracted from the total used in 
calculating the amount of sharing (and the new "unshared"), then this "bug" 
would be resolved, right?

I looked, but didn't see anything in that gives swap per process, 
though.  So, it's not going to be easy.

I guess I'll turn of me deswapper...

...and GTopLimit as well.  for now...

hmm,  maybe I could just avoid using the share-related trigger values in 
GTopLimit, and just use the SIZE one.  That would be an acceptable 
compromise, though not the best.


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