my $erver: Apache/1.3.22 (Win32) PHP/4.0.6 mod_perl/1.26_01-dev
perl v5.6.1
Consider this sample script:
use Apache::Request;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $r=Apache->request;
my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
The first time i run the script the error is:
" Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::Request in @INC "
Any trials after that would give:
" Can't locate object method "new" via package "Apache::Request"  "
I saw some other guy in the list had a similar program but in his case installing the libapreq pragma
solved his problem.My problem is that the pragma seems already installed using ppm (!) but can't be installed
using perl -MCPAN -e shell because it needs me to build mod_perl first..
However I've installed the BINARY mod_perl version using the ppm method described in the mod_perl cookbook
listing 1.2 so the second method fails.
I'm a little confused right now.
Should i try to find another way to build mod_perl using the sources or is there maybe a trick or
something i've missed that would help me bypass this problem and use the modules?
(Apache::Cookie fails to load too)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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