I recently downloaded the mod_perl Guide and
tried to install it.  Problem is that it would not
install properly because the file:
was missing.  After trying other versions I kept
getting the same error.  Then I checked google.com.  I
am not the only one w/ this problem.
     I conclude that the guide is built from the PODs
(Plain Old Documents). pod2hpp is thus needed to
convert the pods to html. The online guide is no doubt
created the same way. 
     Wouldn't it thus be simpler and more convenient
for 1st times like myself if the guide download were
simply the already created html pages which appear
online.  Naturally they would be compressed.  Then one
would only have to uncompress them instead of building
     It's hard enough to install mod_perl itself.  Why
add an extra burden for the manual also.


           John Kolvereid

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