"Vuillemot, Ward W" wrote:
> Not to beat a dead horse...but we all can have an impact on these guys.
> Write a VERY pointed email explaining your position as a web developer.  If
> you do contracting work, convince the company that you _will_ never use
> their product, nor suggest it to any of your *many* customers. . .and will
> further go to any pains to direct traffic to their competitors.  Period.

yeah and then they'll sell our addresses, earn a small amount of money
and fill our inboxes with spam.
do you send mail to 'reply to this address if you wanna be removed too'?


> we are the ones with the power. . .we are the GEEKS!  And the NERDS!  I mean
> those two words in the best of light, with the greatest of respect and
> pride.  :D
> Cheers,
> Ward

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