Hi there-

I've reached a point where I've released a stable version of my project 
(areaj, at www.areaj.org) with a demo server (www.areaj.org/areaj) but I 
want to continue development work on the same machine.  But, obviously 
the new and old versions of the code live in an identical namespace - so 
I don't see a way to run both servers under the same apache 
installation.  I can't just use StatINC and change the code dynamically, 
because that will create an unpredictable and bug-prone experience for 
the people using the production server (I want folks using the 
production server to see the existing product anyway, not what I'm 
developing on).

Does anyone know of an easy way to solve this with apache/mod_perl, 
without running on two different servers?  Locating the code isn't a 
problem; I already deliver the code to a custom location in the user's 
home dir.  I just don't know how to get two apaches to run that read the 
different versions of the code.



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