> Since the authentication happens on every trip into the server, and I
> don't want to run my code (to set up an Apache::Session for the user's
> session data) until I'm sure I have a valid user on my hands, I can't
> see a way to do the session setup only the first time after a sucessful
> login.  

can't you do this in authen_cred()?  IIRC authen_cred is only called when no cookie is
found, which means you have a first time visit (or an unsuccessful attempt).  you have
control here to execute code only when a valid user is found, since it's up to you to
determine if the user is valid.  authen_ses_key() then checks whether the cookie itself
(containing the session key) is valid.

at least this is how I remember it working - it's been a while since I've worked with


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