Hi there,

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, rajesh wrote:

> We are facing problems in configuring perl with apache.

Please see the mod_perl Guide at http://perl.apache.org/guide, the
mod_perl cookbook (see http://modperlcookbook.org for details) and the
book we know here as the "Eagle book" which is in reality called
"Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C", ISBN 1-56592-567-X.

Also see the file .../mod_perl-x.xx/SUPPORT for information about what
to tell this List when you have problems.

> We are getting errors like
> "Invalid command PerlSetVar........" in httpsd.conf file.

You don't have mod_perl in your server.  mod_perl can either be
compiled in (in which case you can see it if you give the -l switch to
the Apache binary to see what it says is compiled in) or it may be
loaded after you start Apache (this is what we call DSO, in this case
you need at least to have mod_so.c compiled into the server.  Again
you will see this module with the -l switch.)  If mod_perl is not
compiled in you need to configure Apache to load the .so file, to do
that you need AddModule and LoadModule directives in the configuration
file.  It's all in the documentation but it takes time to read it all.
I urge you to do that.


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