>                 correct -269; that's because it's really more like
>                 -268.99999999999994315658 instead.  Usually, the
>                 "sprintf", "printf", or the "POSIX::floor" and

And in this case, that means:

alester@flr4[~/play]$ more sprintf.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$a=0.57 * 100;
print sprintf("%03d %20.19f\n", $a,$a);

alester@flr4[~/play]$ perl sprintf.pl
056 56.9999999999999928946


In general, the chances that you've found a bug in the language or
implementation that's been around as long and is as widely used as Perl
5.6 is preeeeeeetty small.


'Andy Lester        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Programmer/author  petdance.com
 Daddy              parsley.org/quinn   Jk'=~/.+/s;print((split//,$&)

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