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This is a wee bit off topic, but may still be of interest.

PPerl 0.04 has been released to CPAN.

What's PPerl you may ask? Well it's a persistent perl interpreter. It's quite 
similar in many ways to SpeedyCGI, except it doesn't require any 
modifications to your CGI script or Apache setup except perhaps for the #! 
line to specifiy pperl rather than perl. The code is simpler than SpeedyCGI 
(the daemon stuff just uses Perl, rather than C, although the client end is 
C), so I'm hoping perhaps more people will want to get involved with 
improving the project (plus SpeedyCGI seems dead).

The biggest reason for writing this was actually not for web stuff, but for 
our anti-virus and anti-spam code at MessageLabs (www.messagelabs.com). 
Basically perl compile time takes up most of our time to process an email, so 
we had to do something about it. PPerl is what came out of that, and I was 
allowed to release it open source. So it may be useful to anyone who has, for 
example, a cron job, or a mail processing script, or basically anything 
rather large that they need to speed up.

Anyway, do play with it, and let me know what you think, and if you find bugs 
or anything like that.

Cheers, Matt.

- -- 
<:->get a SMart net</:->
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