At 16:41 16.04.2002, Florence Dardenne wrote:
>I've been search all the guides and never found the answer to next
>question : I have mod_perl 1.26 correctly installed with Apache 1.3.22.
>When I include in the httpd.conf file this kind of line "Include
>/home/me/auto-apache.conf" which has a PerlRequire command like
>"PerlRequire /home/me/bin/", I have an error saying :
>"Invalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
>module not included in the server configuration"
>Does mod_perl 1.26 includes the 'PerlRequire' functionality or do I need
>higher version ?

As Perrin stated, mod_perl 1.26 does have this directive. The issue is 
probably that mod_perl isn't correctly installed. See 
to find out if it is(the answer is most probably now), then read the 
Guide's installation section.
You probably forgot some part of the process. You should re-do it step by 
step or see if you forgot something obvious.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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