We had problems with mod_perl compiled as a DSO under Solaris 8. Try
it with mod_perl compiled into apache.


On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:39:31AM -0700, Tom Servo wrote:
> We've recently started trying to migrate a number of Solaris 7 machines to
> Solaris 8, and everything seemed fine for a while.
> We have each box running its own static, dynamic (mod_perl) and ssl
> servers, and everything runs fine for 3-7 hours after starting the server.
> Eventually, however, the mod_perl children just stop responding.   If you
> try to telnet into the port, the connection just hangs why trying to
> connect...we don't get a refused connection, and it doesn't let you
> connect to the point where you can issue an HTTP request.   It just seems
> to stop responding and get stuck.
> Has anyone else run into any of these problems?   So far we've had nothing
> like this happen with Solaris 7 and with Linux, but I can't even think
> where to start looking on Solaris 8.
> As a side note, this happened both on boxes that had been upgraded from 7
> to 8, as well as boxes that had fresh 8 installs.
> ------------
> Brian Nilsen

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| HBE Software, Inc.         | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
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perl -e 'for($c=0;$c<=length unpack("B*",pack("H*",$ARGV[0]));$c+=7){$_=chr((ord 
pack"B*","0".substr(unpack("B*",pack("H*",$ARGV[0])),$c,7))+040);print;}' -- 

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