At 05:55 24.04.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>Chuck Goehring wrote:
>>To follow up.  With the starting and stopping of Apache and looking at the
>>log, I see entries like "Child 1032: Waiting for 250 worker threads to
>>exit."  I was gettiong "Low virtual memory" errors from Win/2000, so I added
>>ThreadsPerChild 24 to the http.conf.  This makes it stop quicker and use a
>>whole lot less memory.  Also, the error at the browser comes back faster.
>Why did you have it set to 250 in first place? For testing set it to just 
>a few
>to have the minimal overhead.

The default (on Win32 Apache anyways) is 250. So it's what people will 
usually keep if they don't know about it. Maybe a note in the docs?

Per Einar Ellefsen

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