At 21:39 25.04.2002, Lihn, Steve wrote:
>I am testing the Apache::Echo connection handler for Apache2 and mod_perl 2.
>But encounter the following error:
>[Thu Apr 25 15:32:15 2002] [error] failed to resolve handler `Apache::Echo'
>[Thu Apr 25 15:32:15 2002] [error] Bareword "Apache::OK" not allowed while
>"strict subs" in use at C:\Apache2/blib/lib/Apache2/Apache/ line 25.
>Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.
>What do I miss?

Try adding
use Apache::Const qw/:common/;
at the top

and replace return Apache::OK with
return OK;

Seems like the docs say Apache::OK everywhere, but I don't know if this is 
supposed to work or not.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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