Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> At 19:59 27.04.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>> Don't misunderstand: when i said TOC I meant the list of links on the 
>>> front page etc. have you checked the front page on
>>> These lists aren't generated with <ul> but with various <dl> inside a 
>>> <div class="toc">. I guess this was forgotten.
>> Well, we Allan suggested this change, I've agreed with Allan, nobody 
>> said otherwise, the change went it. What's wrong with index.html pages 
>> having their items underlined?
> Hmm, I missed that part :(
> Well, I think it looked better before. A lot cleaner in my opinion. But 
> if you prefer it as it is now, I won't complain about it.

I think the point is that not in what are our private preferences are. 
It's about deciding what's good for the average user.

It's a know fact that all usability consultants preach that the sites 
shouldn't change the expected behavior to make it easier on the user. 
That means underlined links, blue color for the links, redish for the 
visited links.

We try to follow this rule with a few exceptions where we think the 
underlining adds too much noise and it's absolutely clear that the menu 
is comprised of links. So it's easy with the menu.

Now the TOC part is harder, since it's not clear that TOC is a clickable 
menu, but you learn that fast.

So far so good. The rest of the elements which aren't "menus" should 
have the default behaviour. It made sense to have no-underline for 
index.html items when they had no description. Now when the description 
is in place the underlining is more importants, since not everything is 
a link (think of color blind people). Sure people can learn after a 
while that index.html's items always start with links, but that's much 
harder when the links are mixed with non links (and it doesn't work for 
everybody, think color-blind again).

If you think this logic is wrong, please explain why and then we can 
re-consider. If someones doesn't participate in the discussions, it's 
obvious that his opinion won't be heard by others, and the decisions are 
made based on the opinions of the others...

argh, sometimes I talk too much, and it's late... i should stop talking, 
going to sleep... :)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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