HTTP defines an 'Accept' header.

Joel Palmius wrote:

>Is there a mod_perl API (or some other standard way) to determine what a 
>client web browser is capable of displaying? (images, tables, plugins...)
>I am developing a web questionnaire system in mod_perl (1.26) and I'm 
>thinking about maybe dividing the display code into different levels 
>depending on what the client can handle (no graphics no css for lynx-like 
>browsers, stylesheets and images for most browsers, and plugin extensions 
>for more advanced browsers). 
>Only, I can't figure out how to determine if a client is capable of 
>displaing an image, a stylesheets or (as an example) a J2RE 1.4 
>java-plugin compatible applet. 
>When reading the "HTTP_ACCEPT" environment variable, both lynx and mozilla 
>say they can handle "image/png", while in practise lynx cannot display 
>  // Joel

         "Constant shallowness leads to evil."
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