I think I had a similar problem. It's a while since I tackled it, so I might
be wrong. In any case, I was having problems doing proxy with a rewritemap.
My reason for wanting to do this was so I could use the weighting feature of
rewritemaps to do weighted load balancing between frontend and backend 

I mailed Engelschall, but I hear he gets so much mail about mod_rewrite that
it takes him years to respond.

In any case, I have a patch to mod_rewrite that fixed the problem for me.
The breakdown of the issue was that mod_rewrite wouldn't do a proxy on a

Be warned: I think this patch causes problems with the automatic adding of 
trailing /'s on URLs.


On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 12:19:44PM -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> mire wrote:
> > I have code like this:
> > 
> >         RewriteEngine On
> >  
> >         RewriteLog "/var/site/rewrite.log"
> >         RewriteMap    lb      prg:/tmp/lb
> > 
> >         RewriteRule  ^/trta$  http://${lb:prvi|drugi}  [proxy,last] 
> > 
> > and a perl script (a copy from mod_proxy manual) but it doesn't work, it seems
> > like perl script is waiting indeffinetly for input.
> Sorry, this is not a mod_perl problem.  You should try the general 
> Apache user mailing lists, or see if there's a list or newsgroup for 
> mod_rewrite.
> - Perrin

Tom Lancaster           Red Hat, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (510)-986-8770 x 354
This patch is necessary to allow rewriterules to be applied to subrequests when
they are meant to be proxied. We need this to allow mod_include to get 
/apps/include/pane.html from the app servers by proxy.

--- apache_1.3.19/src/modules/standard/mod_rewrite.c.proxy-subreq       Wed Jan 31 
20:12:26 2001
+++ apache_1.3.19/src/modules/standard/mod_rewrite.c    Wed May 23 16:39:47 2001
@@ -1604,10 +1604,10 @@
          *  Ignore this rule on subrequests if we are explicitly
-         *  asked to do so or this is a proxy-throughput or a
+         *  asked to do so or if this is a
          *  forced redirect rule.
         if (r->main != NULL &&
             (p->flags & RULEFLAG_IGNOREONSUBREQ ||
-             p->flags & RULEFLAG_PROXY          ||
+        /*   p->flags & RULEFLAG_PROXY          ||  */
              p->flags & RULEFLAG_FORCEREDIRECT    )) {

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