I have tried Apache::Reload as well, but I get the same results.


Drew Taylor wrote:

> Take a look at Apache::Reload or Apache::StatINC. Reload is more flexible,
> but StatINC has been around a little longer. Both have worked well for me.
> But be sure that you don't use these modules on a production server. :-)
> httpd.conf
> ==========
> PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
> Drew
> At 01:38 PM 5/17/02 -0400, Ted Prah wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am new to mod_perl and am having problems seeing the
> >changes made to library files.  Must I restart the server every
> >time I change a library file in order to see my changes?  My
> >test code and environment is below.
> ======================================================================
> Drew Taylor                  |  Freelance web development using
> http://www.drewtaylor.com/   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Email jobs at drewtaylor.com
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