At 01:30 AM 5/18/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>[please don't forget that to CC the list!]
>Gregory Matthews wrote:
>>Thanks for your reply on my issue in the Mod_Perl list.
>>Excuse my ignorance, but how do I do the following:
>>before you try to build Apache::DB try to build test.c with the contents:
>>#include <time.h>
>>int main(void){return 0;}
>>and then compile it:
>>% cc test.c
>>If you could point me in the right direction, I can figure it out!  I am 
>>running FreeBSD.
>create a file named test.c, put inside:
>include <time.h>
>int main(void){return 0;}
>now you need to compile it with:
>cc test.c
>if this doesn't work (i.e. you get compilation errors, you have to ask for 
>assistance on the FreeBSD mailing list(s) or elsewhere, since your problem 
>has nothing to do with mod_perl.
>Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>     mod_perl Guide --->

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