All this talk about memory leakage has got me to wondering more about 
a problem I've noticed with mod_perl ever since I started using it: 
the more times you gracefully restart, the more memory you lose.

This doesn't seem to be a result of the type of leakage that's being 
discussed in the other thread (which refers more to leakage and 
growth as the child runs normally) but is on such a large scale that 
I can only conclude that it's much more fundamental.

For example, here's what an httpd process looks like having just 
restarted it from scratch:

httpd     9063  0.0  6.6 19212 17020 ?       S    11:26   0:00 
/usr/sbin/httpd -DSSL

and here's what happens after one graceful restart:

httpd     9092  0.0  9.2 25836 23644 ?       S    11:27   0:00 
/usr/sbin/httpd -DSSL

Where did those 6.5 Mb go? This is without making any requests from 
the server, so my mod_perl code isn't even being run, beyond 
initialization. (I use a PerlRequire to load a bunch of libraries at 

Are there any FAQs that address the reason for such large leakage? Or 
is this just an unavoidable problem with graceful restarts?

Dan Wilga                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Technology Specialist           
Mount Holyoke College                                Tel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075           "Who left the cake out in the rain?"

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