I the past, when I've setup a proxy/app server configuration, it's always
been to forward certain url's to the app server, with the rest being
processed by the proxy.

However, I need to turn this around.  I want to pass everything to the app
server, except for some url's that point at static content (images, mostly).

I initially thought something like this would work:

ProxyPass               On
ProxyPass               /       http://other.server.com:1234/
ProxyPassReverse        /       http://other.server.com:1234/

alias /graphics /local/path

However, /graphics also get's proxied to the app server.  This isn't what I

I don't think mod_proxy can do this; at least it's not clear to me how to if
it does support this feature.

Would mod_rewrite be a better solution?  Match on the URL's that I want
processed locally (and stop), else map the url to the app server, and
forward the request?

What's the best way to do this?

(in case you're wondering, the back-end app server will be generating most
of the content dynamically; I could just have a set of heavy servers, but
I'm trying to offload what I can to a lighter front-end.  In the end,
however, it may not be worth the effort, since the number of static files
will be small compared to the dynamic content...)


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