Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> Apache::DBI is turning the argument hashref into the "cache key" 
> with the following code,
>       my ($key, $val);
>       while (($key,$val) = each %{$args[3]}) {
>            $Idx .= "$;$key=$val";
>       }
> can anyone think of a good reason not to change that to something 
> like
>   map { $Idx .= "$;$_=$args[3]->{$_}" } sort keys %{$args[3]};
> (or a similar for loop)
> (My problem, obviously, was that Apache::DBI got several connections
> to the same database with the same args; but the hash had the args
> ordered in a different way.)

FWIW, this code was borrowed right from DBI (at least I think it was).

see the very end of Tim's recent (5/1/2002) message here

   http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg11273.html

to see how DBI connect_cached() now handles it (and Tim's suggested 
change to Apache::DBI).



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