Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> I'm not so keen on loading all the inheriting classes into memory
> beforehand

You really should do that, because it will save overall memory by 
increasing the amount of memory that's shared.  All modules should be 
loaded during startup in the parent process.

> It's a
> fairly large site and my main concern was to do with how I should store
> the correspondence from uri to object.

The httpd.conf format seems about as simple as you can get to me.  It's 
pretty unusual for a site to have dozens of controllers, and it usually 
indicates a design problem.  Apache::Dispatch is fine too.

> How does StatINC behave with 'required' packages?

Require and use are very similar and both add the loaded module to %INC. 
  Read 'perldoc -f use' for the exact differences.

- Perrin

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