On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 12:43:38PM -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't
> see any
> > mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.
> The expat issue has been discussed quite a bit on this list, and is
> documented here:
> http://perl.apache.org/guide/troubleshooting.html#Segfaults_when_using_X
> ML_Parser
> Sorry to hear you had trouble finding it.  That section of the guide is
> the first place you should look when you're having segfault problems.
> - Perrin

Eeek!  Thanks the for the pointer to the warnings and errors guide.

I guess when I first tried to find out what was going on by STFW, I thought it
was something OpenSRS specific.  Later, when I'd found something that seemed to
work, I didn't go back and search for expat or XML_Parse.

It's reassuring to see that the fix that I'd guessed at is the right one to
use, though.

Thanks again,


Bill O'Hanlon                                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professional Network Services, Inc.                             612-379-3958

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