
 Why do I have have so much trouble doing some header parsing?
 I am doing header parsing because I wanted to check out cookie behaviour
 on relocation/redirection by browser.
 I get stuck when I cannot get with the basic stuff. Clues appreciated..
 I tried to go back to basics with a small script but that also seems to
 refuse to work as I would expect.
 package Alfass::Reloc;
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants;
 use Apache::Reload;
 use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :netscape);
 use Apache::Table;
 sub handler {
         my $r = shift;
         my $reason = $r->subprocess_env("AuthCookieReason");
         my $cookie = $r->header_in('Cookie');
         my $table = $r->headers_in;
         my $bla ="sdadsadadadasdadadadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
         my $type = $table->{'Content-type'};

         print   header,start_html,

Arnold van Kampen

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