At 13:22 18.06.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>[when suggesting things please give people some time to respond, 
>especially given the crazy traffic at this list lately. I just had a 
>chance to read this thread.]


>I'm -1 on renaming. Here is why:

I never talked about renaming. I talked about new modules.

>- Not all modules fit into suggested categories, some modules belong to 
>several ones.

Of course, but just like on "regular" CPAN you choose a category even if it 
might not be *exactly* the one you're looking for, it's possible to choose 
a namespace because it's what's most appropriate for a module. If there's 
really a problem, then a new namespace could be created, there's nothing 
wrong with that.

>- We definitely don't want the hell to break loose by pushing the authors 
>to rename their modules. Think of all the documents which aren't under our 
>control which refer to these module names! Books and articles to start with.

As I said, I didn't say we should rename existing modules.

>- This is also doesn't help with the move to 2.0, because many modules 
>will work with both versions without changes, or with some internal 
>changes transparent to users. It doesn't force authors to rename their 
>modules. And with the Apache2/ dir trick, there is no reason for doing 
>that at all.

The Apache2/ trick doesn't help *people* follow module namings. My proposal 
is mainly targeted at peoples' minds: we like organization, that's why we 
have namespaces in the first place!

>It'd be great though to have guidelines for developing Apache:: modules 
>and their name conventions. There feel free to suggest a better categorization.

Oops, didn't see this one :) Well, that was mostly my suggestion. It's just 
about the naming for new modules.

>And I'm -1 on maintaining a separate catalog. Here is why:
>CPAN is already categorizing Apache:: modules.
> (just 
>scroll down till you get to Apache::)
>all we need is to add #Apache and the problem solved. We have already 
>tried to maintain apache-modlist.html, which just didn't work, the file 
>was neglected and many new modules aren't there. Whereas they are in the 
>CPAN listing. May be instead of potentially wasting efforts here, the 
>effort should go to help improve 00modlist.long.html, so both Apache and 
>other Perl categories will benefit from this. I'm quite sure that Andreas 
>and folks who bring you CPAN will be glad to get any help in this 
>direction. Andreas please correct me if I'm wrong.

That's why I contacted [EMAIL PROTECTED] I feel too that this would belong 
in the Perl module listing (although that didn't appear clearly in my other 
e-mail), but my proposal to PAUSE was just there to allow module authors to 
do their classification.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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