Rich Bowen wrote:
> It has long frustrated me that there was no mod_perl module
> documentation, in the style of the standard Apache module documentation.
> I don't mean to bash the docs that are there - clearly, they are of
> exceptional quality. But I wanted something like the standard module
> docs.
> So, rather than complaining, which would seem to be, at best, in poor
> taste, given the quantity of stuff that folks like Stas have already
> written, I've started on a mod_perl module doc, based on the Apache 2.0
> module documentation XML template. You can see the first cut at
> I know, it is gravely lacking, and needs help. And I intend to do
> something about that. But I have a few questions before I burn a lot of
> time on that.

If you plan to leave it just as it's now (bare bones) it's ok. But if 
you plan to really write full fledged docs, please don't. Why duplicated 
efforts and confuse users with inconsistent documentation which is 
already *huge*.

Have you see the work we have done in the last half a year?

I've been working on docs similar to your doc recently:
not very different than yours but adhers to the rest of the documentation.

We already have 106 pods (2.3MB) and growing. So if you want to help 
please join the docs list and let's talk there:

we may come up with an idea to make Apache style docs as well, but only 
bare bones with pointers to the real docs. let's talk over docs-dev.

> Where, if anywhere, should such a document go? Yeah, it can stay
> where it is, but I would not think that anyone would think to look
> there.

we have it already.

> Has someone already done this, and I'm just missing it? I know that
> there is similar information at
> but I was hesitant to steal
> that wholesale. Besides, everyone should buy Ralf's book, and I don't
> want to dilute that in any way. ;-)
> Is there currently, or are there any plans for, a mod_perl
> documentation cvs repository, where something like this could live?

the repository exists for some 9 months, called modperl-docs

> Anyways, tell me what you think. I have the original XML, which is
> vastly more useful than the HTML output, and would be glad to give that
> to anyone that wants it.

see above

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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