Tony Bowden wrote:
> I'd have to disagree. Maybe Mike had something different in mind when he
> created Class::DBI, but as the current active developer on it, I'm
> definitely pushing it in the R-O direction. Like Dave, I always start by
> thinking of my database schema and then Class::DBI provides a way to
> translate that, table -> class, row -> object, column -> method. Throw
> in some simple relationship builders and a sprinking of syntactic sugar,
> and that's pretty much there is to Class::DBI.

Tangram may have loftier goals, but in general that's pretty much all 
there is to any of them.  And I don't think that the angle you approach 
your data design from -- classes or tables -- has much bearing on which 
tool you would use, with the possible exception of Tangram.  SPOPS is 
explicit about wanting to support legacy schemas without changes.

I think that in this realm there is Tangram, which tries to bring some 
extra stuff like database modelling of object inheritance and queries 
written in perl, and everything else.

>>Things like Tangram model the domain objects, i.e. concerts,
>>seats, people.  Things like Alzabo model the database objects, i.e.
>>tables, rows, foreign keys.
> I think on this front they both try to do both. Class::DBI does anyway.

My casual perusal of the documentation certainly made it look like 
Class::DBI hid a lot more of the database stuff than Alzabo.  After the 
configuration is done, the database concepts like foreign keys are never 

I guess my point here is simply that I think there isn't so much 
difference between most of these tools and that characterizing them as 
being anti-database or too heavy is not accurate.

As a sort of wrap-up to this round of O/R technology discussion, I want 
to post a link to this quote from the author of SPOPS where he talks 
about the practical limitations of SQL abstraction.  I thought it was a 
pretty astute observation:

- Perrin

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