At 06:41 PM 6/21/02 +0200, Per Einar Ellefsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>>As Apache::DBI hasn't been tested with mod_perl 2.0 yet, you will need to:
>>1) make sure you are using the prefork MPM for Apache (as Stas said,
>>   Apache::DBI can only work with that one)
>>2) You will probably need to run mod_perl 2.0 in compat mode: put
>>   PerlModule Apache::compat
>>in your httpd.conf, before loading other modules (like Apache::DBI).

I didn't expect Apache::DBI to work under mod_perl 2.0, at least not well, but was quite surprised.  Today, I got it to work with this server:

Server Version: Apache/2.0.36 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_03-dev Perl/v5.6.1 DAV/2

Using Per Ellesfsen's suggests, and also pre-loading the following script (for

                #!/usr/bin/perl -w
                use strict;
                use Apache2();
                use Apache::compat;

Rudimentary benchmarks, using a MySQL server, and very simple query, shows that Apache::DBI significantly reduces user response time, and increases the throughput of the server (a very limited single P200 MX system, with only 64MB RAM running RH 7.3):

                                        CGI                             mod_perl
Server Hostname                  
Server Port                     80                              80
Document Path                   /cgi-bin/    /perl/zipcodes.cgi?
                                                zip=”35801”         zip=”35801  
Concurrency Level               10                              10
Elapsed Time                    258.722seconds          63.691 seconds
Complete Requests               200                             200
Failed Requests                 0                               0
Total Transferred               127000  bytes           131843 bytes
HTML Transferred                        89200 bytes                     90200 bytes
Requests per Second             0.77                            3.20
Median Connection Times         12518 ms                        424 ms
Transfer Rate                   0.48Kbps received               2.05Kbps received

Charles Aulds, MCSE, MCP+I
Voice: (256) 931-5593      Fax: (240) 352-8290

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