Hello everyone,

I'm attempting to implement Apache::LogFile on our production servers and 
running into some problems.

It seems to work fine on our development server, which is running Apache 
1.3.20, except for the fact that we can no longer issue 'apachectl restart', 
we have to stop and start the webserver for it to work.  When we attempt a 
restart, the following error occurs:

Syntax error on line 1097 of /usr/local/apachessl/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlLogFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
included in the server configuration
( PerlFreshRestart is On )

On our production server, we are running Apache 1.3.24, and I cannot get the 
webserver to start with the Apache::LogFile code in the conf file.  It always 
dies with the above error, whether I stop and start or just restart.

The relavant lines from the httpd.conf file are:
PerlModule Apache::LogFile
PerlLogFile '|bin/rotatelogs /var/spool/ad_automator/logs/activity_log 3600' 

Thanks to anyone who can help!

- Jim

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