On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> I do still wonder why people get the impression you were given - it's
> widely known that the C version of Xalan is appallingly slow - slower
> even than it's Java counterpart.

Now that's slow! I haven't benchmarked the available XSLT processors in a
while, and the last time I did, I didn't include Xalan-C because it was
only available via an enormous http download. I did find that libxslt was
a good bit (maybe 50%) faster than Sablotron, and IIRC about 65 times
faster than Xalan-J.

In fairness, my test was probably biased against Java, in that there were
about 100 individual invocations of the command-line utilities.



$_="Just another Perl hacker\n";###########  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ###########
$u=sub{unpack$_[0],$_[1]};sub _{&$u('c',shift)};if(open O,"|-"){for(split''){$,
=_($_)-_($,);print O+($,>0?'++':'--')x abs($,)."\n";$,=$_}close O}else{$,=_ $,;
for(<>){$_=join('$,;',&$u('A2'x(.5*length),$_)).'$,';print pack'c',eval}}

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